Museum trivia night
This looms as a fun opportunity to support the Sault Ste. Marie Museum while showing off your trivia skills.
And maybe even learn something new about Canadian and local art, media, music and sports history.
To that end, the local Museum, along with OutSpoken Brewing, will be hosting a pair of Tuesday evening trivia nights — on August 11 and 25 from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Both trivia night events will be held at the OutSpoken Brewing patio bar, which is located at 350 Queen Street E. in the Sault’s downtown.
Teams of up to four people can register in advance for one or both of the trivia nights via telephone or by visiting the Museum — which is located on the corner of Queen and East streets in the Sault’s downtown — Tuesday through Saturday during its 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. hours.
The cost to register is $30 per team and limited spots are available.
A prize valued at over $100 will go to the winning team each night.
Light snacks will be provided and drinks will be available for purchase from host site, OutSpoken Brewing.
The local Museum has experienced a sharp decline in revenue relative to the COVID-19 pandemic and the upcoming trivia night fundraisers will assist its outreach and education department.
To register by phone for the trivia nights, call 705-759-7278.
The Sault Ste. Marie Museum is a non-profit, charitable organization and a venerable, historic fixture in the Sault’s downtown.