Lack of action re vaccines

May 13, 2021

(EDITOR’S NOTE: Following is an open letter to Sault Ste. Marie member of parliament Terry Sheehan.)

Hello Mr. Sheehan:

I want from you to give a reasonable explanation on why with blessings of the War Memorial Hospital (President David Jahn) with volunteer R.N’s and also the agreement with Canada Customs and American Customs why Health Canada does not back this opportunity for Canadian Sault residents to get their second or even first shots from the excess in Sault, Michigan?

I have put forth this idea before with no answers on why the City could not supply a bus picking up a Canadian Customs officer and then an American Customs officer ride along in the bus to a designated location (Lake Superior State University parking lot) where the volunteer R.N.’s could enter and give the shots without anyone stepping off the bus.

Is that to unreasonable to understand while they are announcing over the loudspeaker at Walmart in Sault, Michigan a surplus of shots for anyone who needs it and the hospital having to get rid of hundreds of doses because the due date is past. Meanwhile here in Sault, Ontario we’ve got third world country status as far as information on vaccines or vaccines in general. We share police, fire and whatever is needed in case of emergencies on both sides and “how” does this not apply?

We want answers and we want action now. To hell with Health Canada and whomever is stalling this, you are supposedly our representative show us that you understand and plan on focusing solely on this to make it happen as we can’t afford to wait for either governments to proceed with vaccinations as their history more than proves that.

This is your community Terry and if we have a plan better than what is out there, act on it. The sooner the better because spouses, family and the economy on both sides are suffering going on a year and a half or longer being separated because of the lack of preparation and action from Canada to this crisis.

I will expect an answer from you Terry that I can relate to the population in both Saults.

Sincerely yours,

Charly Murray, Sault Ste Marie, Ontario, Canada  

What you think about “Lack of action re vaccines”

  1. There is also another alternative that the War Memorial Hospital has proposed that the Canadian R.N.’s that work there could meet us at the Canadian Tax & Duty Free parking lot and administer the vaccines there without crossing the border being necessary.

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