All posts by Media Release
PUC is a top employer
EDITOR’S NOTE: Sault Business Matters has received the following media release from PUC Services Inc. relative to being recognized as one of Canada’s top emplyers.
…[read more]Superior Learning for seniors
EDITOR’S NOTE: Sault Business Matters has received the following media release from Superior Adult Learning relative to a program designed to help seniors with practical skills.
…[read more]A message from Zero Gravity
EDITOR’S NOTE: Sault Business Matters has received the following media release from Zero Gravity relative to its reopening. .
…[read more]“Till There Was You”
EDITOR’S NOTE: Sault Business Matters has received the following media release from the Northland Barbershop Chorus.
…[read more]Canada carbon rebates
EDITOR’S NOTE: Sault Business Matters has received the following media release from Sault member of parliament Terry Sheehan relative to the Canada Carbon Rebate.
…[read more]PUC wins provincial award
EDITOR’S NOTE: Sault Business Matters has received the following media release rom PUC Services relative to a recent award of excellence.
…[read more]PUC and World Water Day
EDITOR’S NOTE: Sault Business Matters has received the following media release from PUC Services of Sault Ste. Marie relative to an event slated for this Friday.
…[read more]Seniors and dental care
Canadians deserve to age with dignity. That comes down to the dignity of choice, to affordability, and to good health. Because health isn’t just about years in one’s life, it’s about quality of life.
…[read more]Canada and Ontario health
EDITOR’S NOTE: Sault Business Matters has received the following media release from Sault member of parliament Terry Sheehan relative to the Government of Canada making investments in Ontario health care.
…[read more]110 K for tourism via FedNor
EDITOR’S NOTE: Sault Business Matters has received the following press release from the office of Sault member of parliament Terry Sheehan.
…[read more]Amped Up In Flames
EDITOR’S NOTE: Sault Business Matters has received the following media relative to a student run musical showcase via the music department at Superior Heights Collegiate.
…[read more]Coldest Night of the Year
EDITOR’S NOTE: Sault Business Matters has received the following media release from St. Vincent Place relative to its annual Coldest Night Of The Year event.
…[read more]New VP at the PUC
EDITOR’S NOTE: Sault Business Matters has received the following media release from PUC Services relative to its new vice president.
…[read more]Positive energy from FBFM
Sault Business Matters has received the following information from the good folks at Fit Bodies.Fit Minds relative to some upcoming programs. FBFM is located in the Sault’s downtown.
…[read more]LSSU banished words list
EDITOR’S NOTE: Sault Business Matters has received the following media release from Lake Superior State University relative to its annual ‘banished words list.’
…[read more]Plan for a safe ride home
EDITOR’S NOTE: Sault Business Matters has received the following media release from the Ontario Provincial Police relative to reminding everyone to arrange a safe ride home tonight if you will be celebrating New Year’s Eve with alcohol beverages.
…[read more]Something for our war vets
EDITOR’S NOTE: Sault Business Matters has received the following media release from Sault member of parliament Terry Sheehan relative to the federal government further acknowledging those veterans who served Canada in times of war.
…[read more]FedNor funding for Trucor
EDITOR’S NOTE: Sault Business Matters has received the following media release from Sault member of parliament Terry Sheehan.
…[read more]Community Recovery Fund
EDITOR’S NOTE: Sault Business Matters has received the following media release from Sault member of parliament Terry Sheehan relative to the Community Services Recovery Fund.
…[read more]Affordable dental care plan
EDITOR’S NOTE: Sault Business Matters has received the following media release from Sault member of parliament Terry Sheehan relative to the federal government’s affordable dental plan.
…[read more]Strive Visionary Awards
EDITOR’S NOTE: Sault Business Matters has received the following media release from the Strive Young Professionals Group relative to its upcoming annual visionary awards gala.
…[read more]Christmas card competition
EDITOR’S NOTE: Sault Business Matters has received the following media release from the City of Sault Ste. Marie for what it is calling the Mayor’s Christmas Card Competition.
…[read more]Community Services Fund
EDITOR’S NOTE: Sault Business Matters has received the following media release from Sault MP Terry Sheehan relative to local recipients of the Community Services Recovery Fund.
…[read more]MYAC seeks new members
EDITOR’S NOTE: Sault Business Matters has received the following media release from the City of Sault Ste. Marie relative to the Mayor’s Youth Advisory Council.
…[read more]Algoma U and Queen E
EDITOR’S NOTE: Sault Business Matters has received the following media release from Algoma University relative to the Queen Elizabeth scholarship program.
…[read more]Sault Symphony European Tour
EDITOR’S NOTE: Sault Business Matters has received the following media release from the Sault Symphony Orchestra relative to an upcoming event.
…[read more]AU thanks City of SSM
EDITOR’S NOTE: Sault Business Matters has received the following media release from Algoma University relative to a special thank you to the City of Sault Ste. Marie.
…[read more]Twin Sault joint meeting
EDITOR’S NOTE: Sault Business Matters has received the following media release relative to a meeting that was held tonight between City Council and City Commission from Sault, Ontario and Sault, Michigan.
…[read more]AU and Indigenous Energy
EDITOR’S NOTE: Sault Business Matters has received the following media release from Algoma University relative to a new partnership with Indigenous Clean Energy.
…[read more]AU and the Rhodes dinner
EDITOR’S NOTE: Sault Business Matters has received the following media release relative to Algoma University’s annual John Rhodes Scholarship Dinner.
…[read more]Global skills at Algoma U
EDITOR’S NOTE: Sault Business Matters has received the following media release from Algoma University relative to the Global Skills Opportunity program.
…[read more]$1.5 million from FedNor
EDITOR’S NOTE: Sault Business Matters has received the following media release from the office of Sault member of parliament Terry Sheehan.
…[read more]Women’s b-ball information
EDITOR’S NOTE: Sault Business Matters has received the following media release from the Sault Women’s Basketball League.
…[read more]Sheehan on the BFN election
EDITOR’S NOTE: Sault Business Matters has received the following statement from Sault member of parliament Terry Sheehan relative to the recent Batchewana First Nation election.
…[read more]Sault seniors are empowered
EDITOR’S NOTE: Sault Business Matters has received the following media release from Sault member of parliament Terry Sheehan relative to the Canadian government remaining committed to local organizations that empower seniors and contribute to their health.
…[read more]Safe long term care help
EDITOR’S NOTE: Sault Business Matters has received the following media release from the office of Sault Ste. Marie member of parliament Terry Sheehan.
…[read more]New learning op at AU
EDITOR’S NOTE: Sault Business Matters has received the following media release relative to a new learning opportunity at Algoma University.
…[read more]Downtown Street Party
EDITOR’S NOTE: Sault Business Matters has received the following media release relative to the Downtown Street Party that is slated for Thursday of this week.
…[read more]Best “prime deals” are local
EDITOR’S NOTE: Sault Business Matters has received the following media release from the Sault Ste. Marie Chamber of Commerce.
…[read more]Housing affordability crisis
Housing affordability has become a pressing issue impacting communities of all sizes across Ontario. High housing costs are limiting the buying power of households, impacting businesses’ ability to attract and retain talent, and exacerbating homelessness rates throughout the province.
…[read more]Notes from Algoma U AGM
EDITOR’S NOTE: Sault Business Matters has received the following media release from Algoma University relative to its recent annual general meeting.
…[read more]Algoma U 2023 convocation
Algoma University community came together In a beautiful Convocation ceremony held at the Roberta Bondar Pavilion, celebrating the academic achievements of Algoma’s graduating students in Sault Ste. Marie. Guests were welcomed by the Medicine Bear Singers, who sang a traditional Ojibwe welcome song. Graduates were led in procession by the 49th Field Regiment Pipers. Special awards also recognized several individuals for outstanding contributions to the University and community.
…[read more]50 years of CASS
Now having been planning for over a year, the organizing committee for the Central Algoma Secondary School (CASS) 50th Anniversary Reunion looks forward to the culminating weekend of events scheduled for June 30, and July 1 and 2.
…[read more]Downtown revitalization plan
EDITOR’S NOTE: Sault Business Matters has received the following media release relative to a public information session regarding the Sault’s downtown revitalization plan.
…[read more]Sault’s Longest Garage Sale
EDITOR’S NOTE: Sault Business Matters has received the following press release from the Downtown Association relative to the ‘Longest Garage Sale’ event which will be held on Saturday. An edited version of the media release appears below.
…[read more]Federal funds for Rankin Arena
Terry Sheehan, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Labour and Member of Parliament for Sault Ste. Marie, and Dean Sayers, Chief of Batchewana First Nation, have announced a federal investment of $2,994,244 to modernize the Rankin Arena in Batchewana First Nation.
…[read more]Mayor for a day contest
EDITOR’S NOTE: Sault Business Matters has received the following media release from the office of Mayor Matthew Shoemaker.
…[read more]St. Luke’s coronation tea
EDITOR’S NOTE: Sault Business Matters has received the following media release relative to an upcoming coronation afternoon tea and St. Luke’s Cathedral.
…[read more]Support for local contractor
EDITOR’S NOTE: Sault Business Matters has received the following media release from the office of Sault member of provincial parliament Ross Romano relative to Ontario government funding for Meakin Contracting.
…[read more]Algoma U. budget details
EDITOR’S NOTE: Sault Business Matters has received the following media release from Algoma University relative to its 2023-2024 budget.
…[read more]Fringe North Ferry Tale
EDITOR’S NOTE: Sault Business Matters has received the following media release from Fringe North relative to the world premiere of Ferry Tale.
…[read more]Paint Night at the Museum
EDITOR’S NOTE: Sault Business Matters has received the following press release relative to an upcoming Paint Night at the Sault Ste. Marie Museum that is slated for later this month.
…[read more]Every breakfast counts
The Every Breakfast Counts committee of Sault Ste. Marie is seeking donations to support future operations ahead of the start of 2023 summer programming.
…[read more]